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The USCCA Curricula covers the basics, spends some time discussing the specifics of concealed carry. USCCA also teaches Col Jeff Cooper's color system for situational awareness. The USCCA and NRA courses are complimentary.

Courses available under the USCCA umbrella include:

  • Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals

  • Developing a Personal and Home-Protection Plan.

  • Self-Defense Firearms Basics.

  • Shooting Fundamentals.

  • The Legal Use of Force.

  • Violent Encounters and the Aftermath.

  • Gear and Gadgets

  • Basic and Advanced Skills




The NRA curriculum is very thorough in communicating the fundamental mechanics associated with hand gun ownership, operation, and maintenance. This course does not specifically address concealed carry as a concept and is not meant to satisfy the concealed carry training requirement that some states have instituted. This enables more time dealing with the mechanics of pistol presentation, trigger control, sight alignment and sight picture. The NRA and USCCA courses are complimentary.

Under the NRA umbrella we currently offer:

  • NRA Basic Pistol Course

Multi-faceted Training Regimen

Safety First



Comprehensive Instruction


Responsible Practices

At Tactical Arc, we emphasize an understanding of defensive firearm use as a last resort, ensuring safety and responsibility in all training sessions for our clients.

Our certified trainers provide clear, concise instruction on basic pistol use and concealed carry, catering to beginners and those seeking to refresh their skills in a safe environment.

We also offer specialized training for individuals, groups and families, ensuring that children are safely introduced to firearms and the responsibilities that come with them.