||| Google Voice Phone # (912) 406 - 2223 ||| Serving the Greater Middle Georgia Area ||| Email: Info@TacticalARC.com |||
Guiding You to Safe, Responsible, and Empowered!
Tactical Armed Response Consultants (ARC)

Tactical - "...a plan of action designed as an expedient toward gaining a desired end."
Firearm Training
At Tactical Arc, the TACTICAL in our name refers to having a plan, and knowing what you are going to do, before a situation presents itself. If you STAY ready, you don't need to GET ready.
To that end, we emphasize responsible firearm usage, ensuring our clients understand the importance of safety, and the gravity of using a firearm. Our training is designed for all skill levels.

Our comprehensive training programs are tailored to meet the needs of beginners and experienced shooters alike, from senior citizens down to 8 year olds. We cover essential topics such as safe handling, concealed carry laws, and the responsibilities that come with firearm ownership in an age appropriate manner. Join us to gain confidence and knowledge in a supportive environment.

Firearm Safety...
Safety is a must when dealing with firearms. We insist on practicing the 4 Universal Rules of Gun Safety ALL THE TIME. That means in class and on the range. If each and every rule is obeyed EVERYTIME, there is NO possibility of an accidental discharge and inadvertent injury. It is only when someone assumes that the firearm is not loaded, nothing is behind the target, etc..., that bad things happen.
First, and ALWAYS!
The 4 universal rules of gun safety are:
Treat all guns as if they are always loaded.
Never let the muzzle point at anything that you are not willing to destroy.
Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot.
Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

Meet the Team
Joseph Brothers Jr.
Our team at Tactical Arc consists of certified instructors dedicated to promoting safe firearm practices and responsible ownership. We aim to provide clear and concise training for all skill levels. Whether you are just now considering purchasing a weapon for home defense or recreation, you are a little rusty and need to brush up on your skills, or you have a young one who you would like exposed to the world of firearms by a safety minded father of two, we can assist!
Tactical ARC Owner/Lead Instructor
NRA Certified Instructor
Basic Pistol
USCCA Certified Instructor
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals

© TacticalARC LLC 2025